The Leader In You

Biblical Leadership and Inspiration for Your Life

The Radiant Pearls Team

Jeanette Bradley Radiant Pearls Ministeries

Jeanette Bradley

Jeanette Bradley is a beautiful display of Jesus here on earth. She walks in truth and humility and is a real Proverbs 31 woman. She carries a great deal of wisdom…


Justina Sanchez

Justina Sanchez, first and foremost, is a lover of Jesus.  She is a wife, mom, sister in Christ, Product Safety Engineer, and an Advocate for Women in STEM…

Mission, Vision, Strategy and Purpose

  • Vision: Establish Transforming Hope
  • Mission: Encourage, Equip, Unite
  • Purpose: Radiant Pearls Ministries will ensure that women will reach their ultimate potential through Biblical training and mentorship.
  • Strategy: Radiant Pearls Ministries establishes bridges of hope that transforms women to fulfill their God-given identity, purpose, and calling.  Through Biblical leadership training and mentoring the Radiant Pearls team will empower women through a process of healing and growth to reach their ultimate potential.
Radiant Pearls Ministeries

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."

Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV).

Inspirational Quotes

“Never imagine that what you do for others or what you do in private doesn't matter. It counts more than we know. God watches how we steward what is not our own before He entrusts us with more.”

"Disciplined runners consistently clear their heads and focus fully on the journey ahead.. .because their passion and zeal for the goal supersedes the strain. The goal beckons them onward. Passion doesn't negate weariness; it just resolves to press beyond it.”

“Make it a point to find mentors who are doing what you want to do. Study them and learn from what they did. Get around them as much as you can because more is caught than taught.”

Radiant Pearls Ministeries

Renewing your mind

Read your Bible – If you don’t know the Truth, you will believe anything.

Take every thought captive – 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” It’s easy to get caught in the lies of the enemy and go on a downward spiral of negative thoughts. Be conscious of your thoughts and stop them in their tracks. Align them with the Word of God and speak truth over yourself.

Feed yourself – Intentionally feed your mind and spirit with goodness and Truth. Surround yourself with people who speak Life into you. Listen to Worship. Get the Word in and around you every day.

Talk it out – There is power in our Words. Speak out declarations over yourself every time you notice a negative thought creep in. 

“Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words.”

 – Christine Caine